high diving ponies is based in the kansas city metro area and play post-shoegaze danger pop. current members: josh thomas - guitars, vocals, noise, recording alheim amador - bass justin brooks - drums steve williams - cello joey henry - noise banjo, vocals tim goodwilie - noise everything alheim and justin are also in the factory workers joey is also in the calamity cubes tim is also in GOODWILLIES all songs written by josh thomas web presence: http://highdivingponies.com/ http://www.highdivingponies.com/epk.html http://www.myspace.com/highdivingponies http://highdivingponies.blogspot.com/ https://twitter.com/highdivingpony http://www.facebook.com/pages/high-diving-ponies/114718339708 ________________________ notes.... *songs written by josh thomas in early 2009 *started recording them in february 2009 *started mixing them in march 2009 *bored with mixing, started writing the second album ('casino economy') in april 2009 *bored with mixing, played a bunch of shows during the summer of 2009 *bored with mixing, tracked 'casino economy' with chris cosgrove in october 2009 *bored with mixing, but realizing it was never going to get finished if i didn't start on it again, started mixing it again in november 2009 *started mixing 'casino economy' in january 2010 *worked with tim goodwillie to put together a remix version of the still unmixed 'fractals in heat' *made cassette tapes for goodwillie version, writing third album in february 2010 *finally started work again on 'fractals in heat' in late february 2010 *said "fuck it, it's done" on march 9th 2010.